Assist in the longevity of your pH/ORP probes

Here are 3 THINGS you can do you to assist in the longevity of your pH/ORP probes.

1. Keep the tip hydrated

When storing the pH Probe do not allow the tip (membrane) to dry out, always keep the membrane covered with the rubber cap filled with KCl solution.

2. Give the probe a bath

Include a KCl bath in your maintenance routine as allowing the probe to sit in a KCl solution for a couple of hours or overnight assists in the rejuvenation of the membrane.

assist in the longevity of your pH/ORP probes

3. Clean your probe with the right materials

No matter what your process or products that you use your probes in; there is correct ways in which you should clean the coatings off your probe without damaging the membrane of the probe. Soft cloths and very soft brushes work well.

Please note: Items like steel wool and toothbrushes damage probes

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